Oh, hey! 👋🏻

I’m Kyleigh – mom, doula, business mentor,
MAJOR birth nerd.

I’m the founder of The Autonomy Mommy & Birthworker.com, and I went from a wanna-be doula to a CEO of a multi-six-figure birth business in less than 3 years.

My biggest passion is teaching birth nerds — like you, YES you! — how to build an incredibly successful doula business that allows you to quit your soul-sucking job, stay home with your kids, and make a lasting impact on the global birth community… without needing to attend a bajillion births or be on call 365 days per year for the rest of your life!

Are you ready? Let’s do this!

here’s a little back story…

I quit my soul-sucking “real job” in 2020 to go “full-time doula”
and it changed my entire life!

And it all happened because of this realization right here... 👇🏻

In March of 2020, I realized that in order to succeed as a Birthworker through all stages of life, I needed to find a way to make birthwork fit my lifestyle without conforming to what everybody else was doing…

Over the several months, I went on to support hundreds of women (in-person, virtually, and through online offers like e-books, workshops, and pre-recorded courses) and within a year, I replaced my income and retired my partner… without being on call 24/7/365 or attending 100+ births a year.

And now I wake up every day pinching myself because not only did I build a wildly successful doula + childbirth education + birth coaching business inside The Autonomy Mommy… but now I get to teach other birth nerds, like you, how to find that same level of success!

The best thing about my story?

There’s nothing magical or secret about how I got here. I invested in mentors, coaches, and programs (several of them to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars and counting!) to learn about business — and I kept learning and implementing until it finally CLICKED!

Not only did it eventually "click,” but in the process of building my doula business (in-person and online), I fell deeply in love with all things business strategy and marketing.

And now I’m here to teach you my entire framework so you can experience this kind of life-changing success, too — a success so sweet that it feeds your soul AND your family! 😉

I promise there will be no details left out. You and me? We’re besties now. You get all of my juicy birth AND business secrets every step of the way.

want some more details?

👇🏻 Watch the video to hear my whole story…

My vision is simple…

To create a world in which every birthworker knows how to:

1️⃣ Respect a mother as the sole authority over her own birth experience — and 2️⃣ build a sustainable and profitable business so they don’t burn out or quit after a year or two!

That’s the dream 👆🏻

So — what exactly is Birthworker.com?

It’s your #1 go-to source for help with:

⭐️ Being able to confidently support women in navigating their options from pre-conception through postpartum…

✅ Feeling 100% capable of holding space and supporting all types of people in a variety of birth environments…

🔥 Turning your fiery passion for birth into a full-time, impactful, and profitable doula career!

⚠️ Warning: I may cause you to step outside of your comfort zone as you build a legacy for your community and family.

Wait, what is The Autonomy Mommy?

It’s me, Kyleigh! You can think of The Autonomy Mommy as the “other half” of my business… it’s the half that serves pregnant people, whereas Birthworker.com serves new (and aspiring) doulas.

Even as my business expands to support mostly birthworkers, I still have a huge passion for creating resources for pregnant moms to help them prepare for birth. Instead of doing that here on birthworker.com, I do it through The Autonomy Mommy LLC.

So, what’s the big mission here?

Before I share my mission, I wanna share the two things I noticed that ultimately led me to create Birthworker.com…

1️⃣ Too many doulas don’t understand the intricate dance of what it means to actually be a great doula… (to hold space quietly, trust mom as the sole decision maker over her experience, to leave the “hero” mentality behind so moms can empower themselves, and to bring physiological birth education to the greater birth community.)

2️⃣ Too many passionate women don’t step into birthwork because they don’t believe they can create a profitable business while maintaining their preferred lifestyle. (And it’s NOT true!)

So, my mission is to help women who are passionate about birth — the total birth nerds like you — do both of those things up there 👆🏻…

And I do it by teaching my signature 3-pronged method of sustainable birthwork.

My students learn how to support women BEYOND just attending their birth in person… Yes — they support women in person when it’s 100% aligned… but they also create virtual packages, coaching programs, workshops, and online courses.

My dream is that our students can build sustainable and profitable careers from home so they can raise their kids, quit the job they hate, and follow their passion WITHOUT struggling financially or burning out from being on call 24/7/365.

Sounds pretty good — right?

How do I know if Birthworker is for me?

You ARE totally in the right place if:

✅ You trust each woman's inherent wisdom to discover her best path, and you value a woman’s autonomy more than anything else... (Yes — this is the foundation of birthwork!)

✅ You are brand new to birthwork, and you’re looking for long-term success… or you’ve already taken a doula training, but you left that training and found yourself thinking, like, “Okay, but what do I ACTUALLY do.... to find clients… to hold space… to support birth?

✅ You’re a doula, midwife, nurse, or other birth-obsessed human looking to create a recurring income stream that doesn’t require you to be on call 24/7 for the rest of your life.

You love birthwork, but you’re starting to regret your decision to live the “on-call” lifestyle 24/7.

But we won’t be the best fit for you if:

❌ You think birth is inherently a medical event that needs “fixing,” and you want to “save” women… 

❌ You already have an in-person doula business AND a childbirth education business that each make well over 6 figures per year.

❌ You absolutely hate everything tech-related and aren’t willing to learn online business skills. (Don’t worry, if you’re not tech-savvy, you’ll love my tutorial videos!)

❌ You’re the kind of person that finds an excuse for everything and blames others… or if you quit when things get hard, this is not for you!

How do you actually help birthworkers?

Depending on your current income level and prior experience, we have a few options that might be perfect for you!

If you’re stepping into birthwork for the first time (or still don’t feel 100% confident supporting moms to have ecstatic birth experiences), check out the Birthworker Academy!

Birthworker Academy is our 6-month full spectrum doula certification program + mentorship. You’ll get immediate lifetime access to the training portal, weekly coaching for 6 months, and several private 1:1 coaching calls from your team of mentors! You can learn more and apply by clicking here. It’s by application only, and we accept just 10 women per month into the program.

If you’re already a confident doula… but you’re still struggling to grow your business, then the Birthworker Membership is the place for you!

Inside our Business Membership, you’ll learn how to build a birth empire and hit consistent 5k months. I’ll teach you everything I know about social media, websites, freebies, content creation, organization, funnels, email lists, podcasting, creating passive online offers, hosting virtual workshops, and even running ads!

But the best part is, you’ll be a part of a community of over 100 visionary women with the same goals as you!… the connections and collaborations are limitless!

You can join the Membership for a low monthly fee and meet us inside the private community TODAY! And then we’ll see you for the weekly coaching calls every single Thursday. 😊 Click here to learn more.

And if you’re already rocking and rolling with your doula business, and you’re ready to create your very own online birth courses so you can double, triple, or even 10x your income… then you better believe that we have the perfect program for you, too!

Our Childbirth Educator Training Program will give you everything you need to plan, create, and sell online offers like e-books, workshops, and comprehensive birth courses!

Not only will you get access to an advanced education in physiological birth PLUS all of my business-building resources for creating a course and selling it with ease… but you’re getting complete access to our entire curriculum! You’ll get 46+ lessons handed to you for you to customize as your own, so you never have to start from scratch!

👉🏻 Word-for-word video scripts, customizable pdf handouts for your students/clients, and Canva slide templates for every single lesson! All yours, so you can finally create a program or course that pays your bills without you needing to be on call. Click here to snoop around and get access today! 🥂

OK, I’m hooked! ⭐️ Where do I start?!

If you’re ready to go full-time doula — you HAVE TO start listening to the Birthworker Podcast!

Whether you’re brand new to birthwork, just toying with the idea, or looking to level up your already successful doula biz, each episode is designed to help you take the steps necessary to turn your passion for birth into a wildly impactful (and profitable) career.

Tune in every week to discover why thousands of new and aspiring doulas turn to us for guidance when it comes to all things birthwork, including supporting birth, finding doula clients, creating childbirth education courses, and so much more! Click here to choose your listening platform and start soaking up some wisdom so you can build a legacy in the birth community.

⭐️ Wait! — before you go, don’t forget to download our #1 free resource!👇🏻

  This FREE GUIDE will teach you 12 ways to make a full-time income as a birthworker without being on-call 24/7 for the rest of your life!